e-ISSN 2231-8534
ISSN 0128-7702

Home / Regular Issue / JSSH Vol. 27 (4) Dec. 2019 / JSSH-4334-2019


Puntóng-Buná: The Curious Case of a Barangay-level Phonological Variation

Ruthmita Santos Hapin − Rozul

Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, Volume 27, Issue 4, December 2019

Keywords: intonation, language preservation, language promotion, phonological variation, variable, variant, voice pitch analyzer

Published on: 18 December 2019

Puntóng-Buná, spoken exclusively in Buná Cérca and Buná Léjos, in Indang, Cavite, Philippines, is used by people who seem to be perpetually asking questions. Following The United Nations’ proclamation of 2019 as International Year of Indigenous Languages, the research has pioneered the documentation of the Puntóng-Buná, and has identified possible factors that have been contributory to its perceived threat of abandonment. Anchored on uptalk, community of practice, and stereotypes of language use, the study aimed to answer these questions: (1) How is the phonological variation characterized? (2) Why does phonological variation occur in this speech community as opposed to others? (3) What are the reasons for the perceived disappearance of this phonological variation? The research techniques used were: (1) interviews; (2) observations (unstructured); and (3) program software. The research instruments were (1) an interview guide; (2) field notes; and (3) data sheet graphs. The investigation has yielded the following reasons for the perceived disappearance of the PB: (1) social stigma; (2) old generation; (3) impurity; (4) influx of new residents; and (5) occupations and mobility. Puntóng-Buná now being documented as a unique element to the world’s language heritage may finally give it a fighting chance for survival.

ISSN 0128-7702

e-ISSN 2231-8534

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