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Relationships between Burnout, Resilience, and Self-Care among Marriage and Family Counsellors in Malaysia

Lee Zhi Jie, Siti Aishah Hassan and Zeinab Zaremohzzabieh

Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, Volume 29, Issue S1, December 2021

DOI: https://doi.org/10.47836/pjssh.29.s1.10

Keywords: Burnout, family counsellors, resilience, self-care

Published on: 14 April 2021

The psychological impact on marriage and family counsellors during the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic is an important deliberation. This study aimed to examine the relationships between burnout, resilience, and self-care among marriage and family counsellors in Malaysia. A total of 96 marriage and family counsellors in Malaysia were selected by using simple random sampling technique to participate in the present study. Data were collected by using three self-report instruments to measure the burnout, resilience and self-care. The findings demonstrated significant relationships between the constructs in which burnout and resilience as well as burnout and self-care were negatively correlated. Self-care and resilience were positively correlated. Multiple regression analysis revealed that burnout could not be significantly predicted by self-care and resilience. Findings of the study implied that emphasis must be given to burnout, resilience, and self-care and among marriage and family counsellors to enhance their personal and professional development.

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