e-ISSN 2231-8534
ISSN 0128-7702

Home / Regular Issue / JSSH Vol. 30 (4) Dec. 2022 / JSSH-8386-2021


Penal Protection for Consumers from Fake or Unreal Discounts: A Comparative Study of Emirati and French Laws

Mohammad Alkrisheh, Kameel Tariq and Nour Hamed Alhajaya

Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, Volume 30, Issue 4, December 2022


Keywords: Consumer protection, commercial fraud, fake or unreal discounts, natural and legal persons, penal protection

Published on: 15 December 2022

When shops offer discounts, consumers are incentivised to acquire merchandise and/or services. So, it is also when merchants attempt to expand their product distribution and boost sales to increase profit margins. Unfortunately, merchants may also resort to disingenuous and fraudulent methods, such as announcing a fake or unreal discount sale. Since consumers require adequate legal protection from such harmful practices, Emirati and French legislators have criminalised fake and unreal discounts. This paper compares penal protection from fake or unreal discounts in Emirati and French legislation to balance the interests of merchants and consumers. This study adopts a qualitative methodology through a comparative and analytical approach and concludes that Emirati and French legislation adopts different criteria to achieve the desired goal of discounts. It was recommended that the Emirati legislator reconsider penalties for natural and legal persons committing commercial fraud by specifying up to three years imprisonment and a fine proportional to the value of the profits obtained from the crime of offering fake or unreal discounts. Furthermore, legislation should address the crime of announcing such discounts.

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