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Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, Volume J, Issue J, January J

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  • Ary, D., Jacobs, L. C., & Sorensen, C. (2010). Introduction to research in education, (8th ed.). Cengage Learning.

  • Bachman, L. F. (2007). What is the construct? The dialectic of abilities and contexts in defining constructs in language assessment. In J. Fox, M. Wesche, D. Bayliss, L. Cheng, C. Turner, & C. Doe (Eds.), Language testing reconsidered (pp. 41-72). University of Ottawa Press. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctt1ckpccf.9

  • Bogner, A., & Menz, W. (2009). The theory-generating expert interview: Epistemological interest, forms of knowledge, interaction. In A. Bogner, B. Littig, & W. Menz (Eds.), Interviewing experts (pp. 43-80). Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1057/9780230244276_3

  • Brown, H. D. (2000). Principles of language learning and teaching. Longman.

  • Bruce, B. F. (Ed.). (2018). The SAGE encyclopedia of educational research, measurement, and evaluation. SAGE Publications. http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781506326139.n144

  • Burton, R. F. (2001). Quantifying the effects of chance in multiple choice and true/false tests:

  • Question selection and guessing of answers. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 26(1), 41-50. https://doi.org/10.1080/02602930020022273

  • Churchill, A. (2015). Bless the tests: Three reasons for standardized testing. The Thomas B. Fordham Institute. https://fordhaminstitute.org/national/commentary/bless-tests-three-reasons-standardized-testing

  • Edwards, R., & Holland, J. (2013). What is qualitative interviewing? Bloomsbury Publishing. https://doi.org/10.5040/9781472545244

  • Espinosa, M. P., & Gardeazabal, J. (2010). Optimal correction for guessing in multiple-choice tests. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 54(5), 415-425. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmp.2010.06.001

  • Flick, U. (2018). Doing qualitative data collection - Charting the routes. In U. Flick (Ed.), The SAGE handbook of qualitative data collection (pp. 3-16). SAGE Publications. https://doi.org/10.4135/9781526416070.n1

  • Fulcher, G. (2010). Practical language testing. Hodder Education/Routledge.

  • Ghorbani, M. R. (2008). The washback effect of the university entrance examination on Iranian English teachers’ curricular planning and instruction. The Iranian EFL Journal, 2, 60-87.

  • Ghorbani, M. R. (2012). Controversy over abolishing Iranian university entrance examination. Asian Education and Development Studies, 1(2), 139-152. https://doi.org/10.1108/20463161211240115

  • Ghorbani, M. R., & Neissari, M. (2015). Washback effect of the Iranian Concours on senior high school students' EFL learning activities. Iranian Journal of Language Testing, 5(1), 1-28.

  • Ghorbani, M. R., Arshad, A. S., Sahandri, M., & Nooreen, N. (2008). The washback impact of the Iranian university entrance examination on pre-university English teachers. The Journal of Asia TEFL, 5(3), 1-29.

  • Johnson, R. B., & Christensen, L. B. (2017). Educational research: Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed approaches (6th ed.). SAGE Publications.

  • Kaufman, D. (2004). Constructivist issues in language learning and teaching. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 24, 303-319. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0267190504000121

  • Larsen-Freeman, D., & Long, M. (1991). An introduction to second language acquisition research. Longman.

  • Leimeister, S. (2010). Epistemological foundation and research methodology. In IT Outsourcing Governance (pp. 9-13). Gabler Verlag. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-8349-6303-1_2.

  • Martinez, S., & Miller, R. (2018, November 26). Measuring growth in test scores is key to understanding student progress. EdSource. https://edsource.org/2018/measuring-growth-in-test-scores-is-key-to-understanding-student-progress/604959

  • Moon, K., & Blackman, D. (2014). A guide to understanding social science research for natural scientists. Conservation Biology, 28, 1167-1177. https://doi.org/10.1111/cobi.12326

  • Noori, M., & Zadeh, S. S. H. (2017). The English proficiency test of the Iranian ministry of science, research, and technology: A review. International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies, 5(3), 21-26.

  • Norris, J. (2016). Current uses for task-based language assessment. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 36, 230-244. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0267190516000027

  • Powers, D. E. (2013). Assessing English language proficiency in all four language domains: Is it really necessary? In D. E. Powers (Ed.), The research foundation for the TOEIC tests: A compendium of studies (pp. 1.1-1.7). Educational Testing Service.

  • Purpura, J. (2004). Assessing grammar. Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511733086

  • Semiyari, S. R. (2019). Investigating MSRT (MCHE) scores’ dependability by means of G-theory: Variations due to persons, items, sections, gender, and subject fields. International Journal of Language Testing, 9(2), 56-81.

  • Sahrai, R., & Mamagani, H. (2013). The assessment of the reliability and validity of the MSRT proficiency test. The Educational Assessment Journal, 10(3), 1-19.

  • Schmidgall, J., Oliveri, M. E., Duke, T., & Grissom, E. C. (2019). Justifying the construct definition for a new language proficiency assessment: The redesigned TOEIC Bridge® tests - Framework paper (Research Report No. RR-19-30). Educational Testing Service. https://doi.org/10.1002/ets2.12267

  • Sichani, E. F., & Tabatabaei, O. (2015). Construct validity of MSRT reading comprehension module in Iranian context. English Language Teaching, 8(9), 173-186. https://doi.org/10.5539/elt.v8n9p173

  • Singer, S. (2019, July 5). Gadfly on the Wall Blog: Standardized tests are not objective measures of anything. National Education Policy Center (NEPC). https://nepc.colorado.edu/blog/standardized

  • Strauss, V. (2017, April 19). 34 problems with standardized tests. The Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2017/04/19/34-problems-with-standardized-tests/

  • Yildiz, T. E. T. (2019). Emergent trends and research topics in language testing and assessment. Akdeniz Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 13(28), 66-81. https://doi.org/10.29329/mjer.2019.202.4

  • Ary, D., Jacobs, L. C., & Sorensen, C. (2010). Introduction to research in education, (8th ed.). Cengage Learning.

  • Bachman, L. F. (2007). What is the construct? The dialectic of abilities and contexts in defining constructs in language assessment. In J. Fox, M. Wesche, D. Bayliss, L. Cheng, C. Turner, & C. Doe (Eds.), Language testing reconsidered (pp. 41-72). University of Ottawa Press. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctt1ckpccf.9

  • Bogner, A., & Menz, W. (2009). The theory-generating expert interview: Epistemological interest, forms of knowledge, interaction. In A. Bogner, B. Littig, & W. Menz (Eds.), Interviewing experts (pp. 43-80). Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1057/9780230244276_3

  • Brown, H. D. (2000). Principles of language learning and teaching. Longman.

  • Bruce, B. F. (Ed.). (2018). The SAGE encyclopedia of educational research, measurement, and evaluation. SAGE Publications. http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781506326139.n144

  • Burton, R. F. (2001). Quantifying the effects of chance in multiple choice and true/false tests:

  • Question selection and guessing of answers. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 26(1), 41-50. https://doi.org/10.1080/02602930020022273

  • Churchill, A. (2015). Bless the tests: Three reasons for standardized testing. The Thomas B. Fordham Institute. https://fordhaminstitute.org/national/commentary/bless-tests-three-reasons-standardized-testing

  • Edwards, R., & Holland, J. (2013). What is qualitative interviewing? Bloomsbury Publishing. https://doi.org/10.5040/9781472545244

  • Espinosa, M. P., & Gardeazabal, J. (2010). Optimal correction for guessing in multiple-choice tests. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 54(5), 415-425. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmp.2010.06.001

  • Flick, U. (2018). Doing qualitative data collection - Charting the routes. In U. Flick (Ed.), The SAGE handbook of qualitative data collection (pp. 3-16). SAGE Publications. https://doi.org/10.4135/9781526416070.n1

  • Fulcher, G. (2010). Practical language testing. Hodder Education/Routledge.

  • Ghorbani, M. R. (2008). The washback effect of the university entrance examination on Iranian English teachers’ curricular planning and instruction. The Iranian EFL Journal, 2, 60-87.

  • Ghorbani, M. R. (2012). Controversy over abolishing Iranian university entrance examination. Asian Education and Development Studies, 1(2), 139-152. https://doi.org/10.1108/20463161211240115

  • Ghorbani, M. R., & Neissari, M. (2015). Washback effect of the Iranian Concours on senior high school students' EFL learning activities. Iranian Journal of Language Testing, 5(1), 1-28.

  • Ghorbani, M. R., Arshad, A. S., Sahandri, M., & Nooreen, N. (2008). The washback impact of the Iranian university entrance examination on pre-university English teachers. The Journal of Asia TEFL, 5(3), 1-29.

  • Johnson, R. B., & Christensen, L. B. (2017). Educational research: Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed approaches (6th ed.). SAGE Publications.

  • Kaufman, D. (2004). Constructivist issues in language learning and teaching. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 24, 303-319. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0267190504000121

  • Larsen-Freeman, D., & Long, M. (1991). An introduction to second language acquisition research. Longman.

  • Leimeister, S. (2010). Epistemological foundation and research methodology. In IT Outsourcing Governance (pp. 9-13). Gabler Verlag. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-8349-6303-1_2.

  • Martinez, S., & Miller, R. (2018, November 26). Measuring growth in test scores is key to understanding student progress. EdSource. https://edsource.org/2018/measuring-growth-in-test-scores-is-key-to-understanding-student-progress/604959

  • Moon, K., & Blackman, D. (2014). A guide to understanding social science research for natural scientists. Conservation Biology, 28, 1167-1177. https://doi.org/10.1111/cobi.12326

  • Noori, M., & Zadeh, S. S. H. (2017). The English proficiency test of the Iranian ministry of science, research, and technology: A review. International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies, 5(3), 21-26.

  • Norris, J. (2016). Current uses for task-based language assessment. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 36, 230-244. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0267190516000027

  • Powers, D. E. (2013). Assessing English language proficiency in all four language domains: Is it really necessary? In D. E. Powers (Ed.), The research foundation for the TOEIC tests: A compendium of studies (pp. 1.1-1.7). Educational Testing Service.

  • Purpura, J. (2004). Assessing grammar. Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511733086

  • Semiyari, S. R. (2019). Investigating MSRT (MCHE) scores’ dependability by means of G-theory: Variations due to persons, items, sections, gender, and subject fields. International Journal of Language Testing, 9(2), 56-81.

  • Sahrai, R., & Mamagani, H. (2013). The assessment of the reliability and validity of the MSRT proficiency test. The Educational Assessment Journal, 10(3), 1-19.

  • Schmidgall, J., Oliveri, M. E., Duke, T., & Grissom, E. C. (2019). Justifying the construct definition for a new language proficiency assessment: The redesigned TOEIC Bridge® tests - Framework paper (Research Report No. RR-19-30). Educational Testing Service. https://doi.org/10.1002/ets2.12267

  • Sichani, E. F., & Tabatabaei, O. (2015). Construct validity of MSRT reading comprehension module in Iranian context. English Language Teaching, 8(9), 173-186. https://doi.org/10.5539/elt.v8n9p173

  • Singer, S. (2019, July 5). Gadfly on the Wall Blog: Standardized tests are not objective measures of anything. National Education Policy Center (NEPC). https://nepc.colorado.edu/blog/standardized

  • Strauss, V. (2017, April 19). 34 problems with standardized tests. The Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2017/04/19/34-problems-with-standardized-tests/

  • Yildiz, T. E. T. (2019). Emergent trends and research topics in language testing and assessment. Akdeniz Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 13(28), 66-81. https://doi.org/10.29329/mjer.2019.202.4

  • Ary, D., Jacobs, L. C., & Sorensen, C. (2010). Introduction to research in education, (8th ed.). Cengage Learning.

  • Bachman, L. F. (2007). What is the construct? The dialectic of abilities and contexts in defining constructs in language assessment. In J. Fox, M. Wesche, D. Bayliss, L. Cheng, C. Turner, & C. Doe (Eds.), Language testing reconsidered (pp. 41-72). University of Ottawa Press. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctt1ckpccf.9

  • Bogner, A., & Menz, W. (2009). The theory-generating expert interview: Epistemological interest, forms of knowledge, interaction. In A. Bogner, B. Littig, & W. Menz (Eds.), Interviewing experts (pp. 43-80). Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1057/9780230244276_3

  • Brown, H. D. (2000). Principles of language learning and teaching. Longman.

  • Bruce, B. F. (Ed.). (2018). The SAGE encyclopedia of educational research, measurement, and evaluation. SAGE Publications. http://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781506326139.n144

  • Burton, R. F. (2001). Quantifying the effects of chance in multiple choice and true/false tests:

  • Question selection and guessing of answers. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 26(1), 41-50. https://doi.org/10.1080/02602930020022273

  • Churchill, A. (2015). Bless the tests: Three reasons for standardized testing. The Thomas B. Fordham Institute. https://fordhaminstitute.org/national/commentary/bless-tests-three-reasons-standardized-testing

  • Edwards, R., & Holland, J. (2013). What is qualitative interviewing? Bloomsbury Publishing. https://doi.org/10.5040/9781472545244

  • Espinosa, M. P., & Gardeazabal, J. (2010). Optimal correction for guessing in multiple-choice tests. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 54(5), 415-425. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmp.2010.06.001

  • Flick, U. (2018). Doing qualitative data collection - Charting the routes. In U. Flick (Ed.), The SAGE handbook of qualitative data collection (pp. 3-16). SAGE Publications. https://doi.org/10.4135/9781526416070.n1

  • Fulcher, G. (2010). Practical language testing. Hodder Education/Routledge.

  • Ghorbani, M. R. (2008). The washback effect of the university entrance examination on Iranian English teachers’ curricular planning and instruction. The Iranian EFL Journal, 2, 60-87.

  • Ghorbani, M. R. (2012). Controversy over abolishing Iranian university entrance examination. Asian Education and Development Studies, 1(2), 139-152. https://doi.org/10.1108/20463161211240115

  • Ghorbani, M. R., & Neissari, M. (2015). Washback effect of the Iranian Concours on senior high school students' EFL learning activities. Iranian Journal of Language Testing, 5(1), 1-28.

  • Ghorbani, M. R., Arshad, A. S., Sahandri, M., & Nooreen, N. (2008). The washback impact of the Iranian university entrance examination on pre-university English teachers. The Journal of Asia TEFL, 5(3), 1-29.

  • Johnson, R. B., & Christensen, L. B. (2017). Educational research: Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed approaches (6th ed.). SAGE Publications.

  • Kaufman, D. (2004). Constructivist issues in language learning and teaching. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 24, 303-319. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0267190504000121

  • Larsen-Freeman, D., & Long, M. (1991). An introduction to second language acquisition research. Longman.

  • Leimeister, S. (2010). Epistemological foundation and research methodology. In IT Outsourcing Governance (pp. 9-13). Gabler Verlag. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-8349-6303-1_2.

  • Martinez, S., & Miller, R. (2018, November 26). Measuring growth in test scores is key to understanding student progress. EdSource. https://edsource.org/2018/measuring-growth-in-test-scores-is-key-to-understanding-student-progress/604959

  • Moon, K., & Blackman, D. (2014). A guide to understanding social science research for natural scientists. Conservation Biology, 28, 1167-1177. https://doi.org/10.1111/cobi.12326

  • Noori, M., & Zadeh, S. S. H. (2017). The English proficiency test of the Iranian ministry of science, research, and technology: A review. International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies, 5(3), 21-26.

  • Norris, J. (2016). Current uses for task-based language assessment. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 36, 230-244. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0267190516000027

  • Powers, D. E. (2013). Assessing English language proficiency in all four language domains: Is it really necessary? In D. E. Powers (Ed.), The research foundation for the TOEIC tests: A compendium of studies (pp. 1.1-1.7). Educational Testing Service.

  • Purpura, J. (2004). Assessing grammar. Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511733086

  • Semiyari, S. R. (2019). Investigating MSRT (MCHE) scores’ dependability by means of G-theory: Variations due to persons, items, sections, gender, and subject fields. International Journal of Language Testing, 9(2), 56-81.

  • Sahrai, R., & Mamagani, H. (2013). The assessment of the reliability and validity of the MSRT proficiency test. The Educational Assessment Journal, 10(3), 1-19.

  • Schmidgall, J., Oliveri, M. E., Duke, T., & Grissom, E. C. (2019). Justifying the construct definition for a new language proficiency assessment: The redesigned TOEIC Bridge® tests - Framework paper (Research Report No. RR-19-30). Educational Testing Service. https://doi.org/10.1002/ets2.12267

  • Sichani, E. F., & Tabatabaei, O. (2015). Construct validity of MSRT reading comprehension module in Iranian context. English Language Teaching, 8(9), 173-186. https://doi.org/10.5539/elt.v8n9p173

  • Singer, S. (2019, July 5). Gadfly on the Wall Blog: Standardized tests are not objective measures of anything. National Education Policy Center (NEPC). https://nepc.colorado.edu/blog/standardized

  • Strauss, V. (2017, April 19). 34 problems with standardized tests. The Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2017/04/19/34-problems-with-standardized-tests/

  • Yildiz, T. E. T. (2019). Emergent trends and research topics in language testing and assessment. Akdeniz Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 13(28), 66-81. https://doi.org/10.29329/mjer.2019.202.4

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