e-ISSN 2231-8534
ISSN 0128-7702

Home / Regular Issue / JSSH Vol. 28 (2) Jun. 2020 / JSSH-5267-2019


The Realization of Experiential Meaning in Indonesian Subtitles of The Kingdom (2007): Cases of Transitivity System Clausal Constituents Reduction

Romel Noverino, Mangatur Rudolf Nababan, Riyadi Santosa and Djatmika

Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, Volume 28, Issue 2, June 2020

Keywords: Clausal constituents, experiential meaning, subtitles reduction, systemic functional linguistics, transitivity system

Published on: 26 June 2020

In Systemic Functional Linguistics, experience is part of the ideational function, consisting of clausal constituents of process, participant, and circumstance. This article discusses the results of a qualitative study, within the framework analysis of Halliday’s transitivity system, on how clausal constituent reductions in subtitles have contributed to experiential meaning realizations systemically and functionally. Objective data were collected through purposive sampling from The Kingdom (2007) and its official Indonesian subtitles. The results show that, systemically, reduction happened in seven combinations, namely reduction of participant; process; circumstance; participant and process; participant and circumstance; process and circumstance; and participant, process, and circumstance. The reduction of process resulted in the absence of experiential meaning in the subtitles, which dominantly related to material, relational, and mental processes. The reduction of participant contributed to the nonappearance of one or all of the entities in the process, such as actor and/or goal in material process; senser in mental process; and token in identifying relational process. The reduction of circumstance resulted in the nonattendance of circumstantial information in the process, which dominantly related to location. Functionally, some data show that reduction was imposed obligatorily to accommodate the socio-cultural context of acceptability in Indonesia through film censorship with a religious motivation.

ISSN 0128-7702

e-ISSN 2231-8534

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