e-ISSN 2231-8526
ISSN 0128-7680

Home / Regular Issue / JST Vol. 30 (1) Mar. 2022 / JSSH-8174-2021


Barriers for Implementation of E-pharmacy Policy: Views of Pharmacy Authorities, Public Institutions and Societal Groups

Amran Abu Bakar, Siew Chin Ong, Chuo Yew Ting, Guat See Ooi and Mohamed Azmi Ahmad Hassali

Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology, Volume 30, Issue 1, March 2022


Keywords: Community pharmacy, digital health, e-pharmacy, pharmaceutical policy, pharmacy practice, policy implementation

Published on: 16 March 2022

Malaysian government has established National Digital Economy Policy to promote e-commerce adoption among small to medium enterprises (SMEs). Although this national policy has expanded to community pharmacists for providing e-pharmacy services, only a few independent pharmacies have adopted e-pharmacy practices. As such, it is important to critically investigate the implementation of e-pharmacy policies in promoting online pharmaceutical services in Malaysia. This study explores the barriers in implementing e-pharmacy policies from the perspective of pharmaceutical authorities, public agencies and societal groups. The Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ) was employed in this study. Interview data were collected from key pharmaceutical authorities, agencies governing e-commerce and consumer affairs, health professionals and consumer societal groups. Thirty-three key actors participated in this study. Themes focusing on factors that impede the implementation of e-pharmacy policies were identified using an open-axial coding approach. Eight emerging themes were identified to be influencing policy inaction and policy barriers towards e-pharmacy implementation for empowering community pharmacists: (1) policymakers’ inattention to private business interests; (2) authoritarian administrative action unsuitable for e-pharmacy businesses; (3) deficit of trust towards community pharmacies practising e-pharmacy services; (4) conflicting policy requirements between safeguarding patients and business applications; (5) limited organisational resources and budget constraints; (6) policy incompatibility and different jurisdiction requirements; (7) unfriendly e-pharmacy requirements; and (8) dominant interest groups opposing e-pharmacy policies. Clear and consistent policies will benefit both patients and consumers as they acquire improved access to professional consultation and various options for quality medicine at competitive prices.

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