e-ISSN 2231-8526
ISSN 0128-7680

Home / Regular Issue / JST Vol. 29 (3) Sep. 2021 / JSSH-8086-2021


Malaysian State Sports Schools Football Coaching Process Key Themes Development: Constant Comparison Method in Data Analysis

Ramesh Ram Ramalu, Zulakbal Abd Karim and Gunathevan Elumalai

Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology, Volume 29, Issue 3, September 2021


Keywords: Coaching process, effective coaching, football, key development themes

Published on: 27 September 2021

This study compares the Malaysian coaching process’s key development themes with Cote and Gilbert’s (2009) Effective Coaching Model in Malaysian football development. The participant selection is based on purposive sampling involving fourteen head coaches from State Sports Schools throughout Malaysia. In addition, an in-depth semi-structured interview with open-ended questions was carried out and analysed following Glaser and Strauss’s constant comparative method (1967). Based on the analysis, the following seven new development themes have emerged in the context of the Malaysian coaching process as compared to Cote and Gilbert, Effective Coaching Model: i) signature coaching, ii) risk management, iii) fun elements, iv) empowerment, v) spirituality, vi) life skills and vii) coaching intervention. Subsequent exploration is recommended to identify how this knowledge is integrated into the coaching process and applied in the Malaysian football development program.

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ISSN 0128-7680

e-ISSN 2231-8526

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