e-ISSN 2231-8542
ISSN 1511-3701
Butnan, S., Toomsan, B. and Vityakon, P.
Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science, Volume 26, Issue 2, June 2018
Keywords: Anthropogenic soil, charcoal kiln, indigenous production technologies, soil amendment, subsistence and market economies
Published on: 29 Jun 2018
This paper investigates the historical development of charcoal production and distribution for energy purposes, as well as charcoal's possible use for soil amendment in Northeast Thailand. Charcoal evolution in Northeast Thailand has paralleled the pattern of change from subsistence to market economy. Small charcoal producers employ varied feedstock types from a wide range of low cost, locally available sources and use old-fashioned kilns i.e. permanent clay kilns or temporary rice husk mounds, whereas the larger producers use more uniform feedstock types and more modern, costly and permanent kilns i.e. the brick kiln. In contrast, several large-scale producers comprising multiple small producers continue to employ older production techniques. Charcoal distribution by small-scale producers is at subsistence level for home consumption and limited intra-community sale, while distribution by large-scale producers extend through wider market channels into urban communities. No direct evidence exists as to the deliberate use of charcoal for soil amendment in the region, despite the general knowledge of charcoal having (undetermined) soil improvement properties.Our research intends to examine charcoal's possible use for soil amendment through more thorough research into charcoal production and distribution in Northeast Thailand.
ISSN 1511-3701
e-ISSN 2231-8542